step skewing technique


1. Shenzhen, China, Nov 5-9, 2010   /   Application for Step-skewing of Rotor of IPM Motors Used in EV 

2. Wenjuan Hao 1,2,* ID and Yu Wang 27 juli 2018   / Comparison of the Stator Step Skewed Structures for Cogging Force Reduction of Linear Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machines 

1. Shenzhen, China, Nov 5-9, 2010   /   Application for Step-skewing of Rotor of IPM Motors Used in EV 

Technique of Step-skewing of rotor (SSR) is much efficient to reduce the harmonics of Back EMF, minimize cogging torque and torque ripple. In EV & HEV applications, it can conspicuously increase the torque control precision, decrease torque ripple, thus improve the vehicle comfort. This paper analyzed the no-load and load performance of motor with step-skewed rotor and another with slot-skewed stator. Through comparing the performance of each motor, this paper revealed the advantage of step-skew technique. The conclusion is verified by FEA and experiment. Copyright form of EVS25.
Keywords: Step-skewingSkewed slotIPMEVHEV

2. Wenjuan Hao 1,2,* ID and Yu Wang 27 juli 2018   / Comparison of the Stator Step Skewed Structures for Cogging Force Reduction of Linear Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machines 

Abstract: Linear flux switching permanent magnetic (LFSPM) machines, with the armature windings and magnets both on the mover in addition to a robust stator, are a good choice for long stoke applications, however, a large cogging force is also inevitable due to the double salient structure, and will worsen the system performance. Skewing methods are always employed for the rotary machines to reduce the cogging torque, and the rotor step-skewed method is a low-cost approximation of regular skewing. The step skewed method can also be applied to the linear machines, namely, the stator step skewed. In this paper, three stator step skewed structures, which are a three-step skewed stator, a two-step skewed stator and an improved two-step skewed stator, are employed for the cogging force reduction of two types of LFSPM machines. The three structures are analyzed and compared with emphasize on the influence of the skewed displacement on the cogging force and the average thrust force. Based on finite element analysis (FEA), proper skewed displacements are selected according to maximum difference between the reduction ratio of the cogging force and the decrease ratio of the average thrust force, then, the corresponding results are compared, and finally, valuable conclusions are drawn according to the comparison. The comparison presented in this paper will be useful to the cogging force reduction of LFSPM machines in general. Keywords: linear machine; flux-switching permanent magnet machine; step skewed stator; cogging fo
Abstrak: Mesin linear flux switching permanent magnetic (LFSPM), dengan belitan armature dan magnet baik pada penggerak selain stator yang kuat, adalah pilihan yang baik untuk stoke panjang aplikasi, bagaimanapun, kekuatan cogging yang besar juga tidak dapat dihindari karena struktur yang menonjol ganda, dan akan memperburuk kinerja sistem. Metode skewing selalu digunakan untuk mesin rotari 
untuk mengurangi torsi cogging, dan metode step-skewed rotor adalah pendekatan berbiaya rendah dari skewing biasa. Metode step skewed juga dapat diterapkan pada mesin linier, yaitu step stator skewed. Dalam makalah ini, struktur miring tiga langkah stator, yang merupakan stator miring tiga langkah, stator miring dua langkah dan stator miring dua langkah yang ditingkatkan, digunakan untuk pengurangan gaya cogging dari dua jenis mesin LFSPM. Ketiga struktur tersebut dianalisis dan dibandingkan dengan menekankan pada pengaruh perpindahan miring terhadap gaya cogging dan gaya dorong rata-rata. Berdasarkan analisis elemen hingga (FEA), perpindahan miring yang tepat dipilih sesuai dengan perbedaan maksimum antara rasio reduksi gaya cogging dan rasio penurunan gaya dorong rata-rata, kemudian, hasil yang sesuai dibandingkan, dan akhirnya,
kesimpulan yang berharga diambil sesuai dengan perbandingan. Perbandingan yang disajikan dalam makalah ini akan berguna untuk pengurangan gaya cogging mesin LFSPM secara umum.

Kata kunci: mesin linier; mesin magnet permanen pemindah fluks; langkah stator miring; ngotot untuk


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