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1/Novel of Cogging Torque Reduction Technique for Permanent Magnet Generator by Compounding of Magnet Edge Shaping and Dummy Slotting in Stator Core Tajuddin Nura , Liza Evelyn Joeb,*, Marsul Siregara a Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia b Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate Student, Graduate School of Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

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2/Article :Cogging Torque Reduction Based on a New Pre-Slot Technique for a Small Wind Generator 

Miguel García-Gracia 1,* , Ángel Jiménez Romero 1 , Jorge Herrero Ciudad 2 and Susana Martín Arroyo 1 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain;                  (Á.J.R.); (S.M.A.) 2 For Optimal Renewable Energy Systems, S.L. (4fores), 50197 Zaragoza, Spain; * ---------------Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-976-761923--------------------------- Received: 18 October 2018; Accepted: 15 November 2018; Published: 20 November 2018

Article :Reduction  Cogging Torque Based on a New Pre-Slot  and cutting edge Magnet Technique for a Small  Generator


The development of renewable energy as electrical energy for Indonesia needs to be made by providing low-speed generators, especially for the use of small-scale alternative energy. This study discusses how to reduce Cogging Torque as a generator inhibitor in Indonesia by changing the design so that it is used in the design of a low speed synchronous generator using permanent magnets to produce magnetic flux in the rotor. The stator and rotor parts are designed in such a way that they can accept at low rotations and the generator can produce output power. Keywords— Renewable energy, permanent magnet generator, Cutting edge, dummy slot.


Torsi cogging dalam mesin sinkron magnet permanen inset menyebabkan beberapa getaran dan suara yang tidak diinginkan yang harus dikurangi pada tahap desain sedini mungkin. 

Pengaruh slotting tepi dan lebar pembukaan slot slot di kutub rotor magnet pada torsi cogging diselidiki dalam artikel ini. Struktur mesin sinkron magnet inset permanen yang diusulkan memiliki 8 kutub dan 24 slot stator dengan lebar bukaan slot tetap dan kutub jaring magnet yang dimodifikasi pada rotor. Alat magnet metode elemen hingga (FEMM 4.2) digunakan untuk menyelidiki saturasi inti core
diinduksi dalam stator dan rotor dari mesin sinkron magnet permanen inset. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa
desain slotting di tepi magnet dapat secara efektif mengurangi torsi cogging dari mesin sinkron magnet permanen inset.

 Salah satu kekurangan dari mesin sinkron magnet permanen adalah masalah Cogging Torque yang dapat  menyebabkan  getaran mekanik fisik dan menimbulkan suara yang menggangu . Torsi cogging dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan start  .Hal ini   harus dikurangi pada tahap desain Generator dari awal. Selain adanya tekanan yang menghambar gerak putaran motor pada dasarnya.  / 

Menyelidiki  akibat adanya pembukaan  slotting  pada sisi Stator dengan membuat  lebar pembukaan slot  dan dengan  digabungkan pengaruh tambahan  jarak di ujung  semua  kutub  magnet terhadap slot stator untuk menambah jarak pada sisi ujung.  Bagaimana Pengaruhnya terhadap torsi cogging diselidiki dalam artikel ini.Diperkirakan akan adanya Pengaruh yang baik pada generator karena menurunkan Cogging Torque dalam desain ini.

  Cogging Torque adalah hentakan (torsi berlawanan arah dengan rotator generator) pada saat memutar rotor yang menyebabkan rotor sulit berputar dengan tangan dan dapat mengganggu putaran generator pada saat start sehingga menimbulkan getaran dan suara yang mengganggu. Cogging adalah karakteristik yang melekat pada generator magnet permanen (GMP) yang disebabkan oleh geometri generator. Torsi cogging dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan start, menghasilkan kebisingan dan getaran mekanis ketika GMP dipasang di turbin angin.

 Oleh karena itu cogging GMP harus dibuat sekecil mungkin (coggingless), salah satu caranya adalah dengan memiringkan (Skewing) magnet permanen. Simulasi menggunakan software magnet untuk mengetahui besarnya torsi cogging yang diakibatkan oleh putaran rotor pada generator. Hasil simulasi torsi cogging selanjutnya divalidasi dengan torsi awal pada metode pengujian GMP menggunakan material change dan magnetic skewing.


Energy consumption growth continues to increase along with population growth. Indonesia's desire to become a developed country must also be supported by the availability of sufficient energy. Unfortunately, Indonesia's oil and gas reserves are only 2.5 billion or about 8.7 years, still inferior to Vietnam's 4.4 billion barrels. Economist Faisal Basri said Indonesia's energy reserves are decreasing. Not only oil, gas and coal also experienced a decline. Currently, Indonesia's coal reserves are only 3.7% of the world's reserves, but a quarter of the world's coal exports or 26% comes from Indonesia.

 "Oil consumption reaches 1.7 million barrels a day, while production is 781 thousand barrels a day, and coal is exported completely," said Faisal Basri,  . Indonesia is facing the threat of an energy deficit because currently consumption is greater than production. So that in 2021 it is estimated that there will be an energy deficit. Even in 2040 the energy deficit is estimated to reach US$ 80 billion. [1]

The Energy Mix is ​​still not optimal, although the share of oil and gas is shrinking, in terms of volume, it actually increases. In 2016 the demand will be 26.58 million tons of oil equivalent, in 2025 it will be 103 million tons, and 2050 will be 206.

"This means that we must not be careless even though we have unlimited renewable energy. Don't be careless for oil and gas, we have to work hard for renewable and non-renewable," he said.

Faisal said that if you want to avoid 2040, you can't do the business model as usual. Especially now, according to him, the government is making confusing policies, with efforts to build refineries but also develop biofuels, as well as electric vehicles.

"It's like if all the programs are entered in the computer can hang because they do not know which priority," he said.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Acting Director General of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ego Syahrial, said the current energy mix is ​​34 percent oil and gas with a demand of 1.45 million barrels a day. By 2025, oil and gas will fall to 25% in the energy mix.

But consumption rose to 1.9 million barrels a day. Meanwhile, in 2050 oil consumption could reach 3 million barrels per day. Meanwhile, Indonesia's oil reserves are only 2.5 billion barrels or 8 years from now or only 0.2% of the world. Then 1.53% of the world's gas reserves.

"In the past we were victorious and entered OPEC with a production of 1.5 million barrels a day, but from working areas in Sumatra, Java, East Kalimantan. Now our production is only around 700 thousand barrels per day," he said.

He admits the challenge is difficult because exploration is not easy, besides in the last 10 years the discovery of small reserves, below 200 million barrels. In fact, what Indonesia needs is on a scale of billions of barrels to meet the needs of 2025 to 2050. "In the transition period, we are also opening up. For example, Egypt found a new field, Turkey, Norway also opened its data system. What we need is billion barrels, not just 100 barrels," said Ego.

Difficulty in obtaining a supply of fuel so that the price of fuel becomes expensive. This scarcity causes the search for alternative energy by utilizing renewable energy sources such as  windmill micro power plants   , most of the micro hydro power plants use synchronous generators. For this reason , research was conducted to develop a radial flux generator with permanent magnets . Many problems with generators are the presence of Cogging torque



 [1] Rahajeng Kusumo Hastuti, CNBC Indone sia , "Bukan Cuma Resesi, RI Terancam Krisis Energi?" , , 29 August 2020 14:34


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