IOT from promosi sensasional to reality
How Is Security Guaranteed? Securing IoT is not maybe but perhaps the biggest opportunity for technology companies and will remain so for some time in the future. Before IoT, information technology security professionals worked in a bubble as they literally owned and controlled their entire networks and secured all devices behind firewalls. Now With IoT, data will be collected from external, often mobile, sensors that are placed in public sites (e.g., city streets) allowing strangers to send harmful data to any network. IoT Reference Framework Framework that divides IoT solutions into four main levels: kerangka kerja yang membagi solusi IoT menjadi empat tingkat utama: IoT devices (things), IoT network (infrastructure transporting the data), IoT services platform (software connecting the things with applications and providing overall management), and IoT applications (specialized business-based applications such as customer relation manage...