
Showing posts from July, 2021
Cyber Threat Indicators Many network attacks can be prevented by sharing information about attack indicators. Each attack has unique identifiable attributes. These are known as cyber threat indicators or simply attack indicators. For instance, a user receives an email claiming they have won a big prize (Figure 1). Clicking on the link in the email results in an attack. The attack indicators could include the fact the user did not enter that contest, the IP address of the sender, the email subject line, the included link to click, or an attachment to download, among others. Governments are now actively promoting cybersecurity. For instance, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) are leading efforts to automate the sharing of cybersecurity information with public and private organizations at no cost. DHS and US-CERT use a system called Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS). AIS enables the sharing of attack indicators betw...